Spiritual/human existence scale

Do you ever think about the relationship between our human and spiritual existence? 

Chances are in our 24/7 external stimulus world, the spiritual part of our existence gets minimized to some extent by all of us. So how would YOU describe the coexistence of your human and spiritual nature?  The below image reflects 4 columns of expressions, with a wide range of possibilities in between.  There may be 7 billion different answers to the question "Where are you?"   

The spiritual existence part is most likely the trickier one for a majority of us.  Our humanness is pretty much indisputable.  But the mystical divine nature of our existence seems to have varied interpretations, and is often something we were taught vs. something we experience, feel, and embrace.

So a couple of choices are there for all of us.   Ignore the spiritual aspect, maybe start thinking about it when we believe death is near, or when we lose a loved one - GO GO GO human experience!  Or alternatively, we can reflect on what we were taught about our spiritual nature, see if it holds true for what we experience today, and embrace this eternal aspect of our being into our daily life - sooner rather than later...


SH Existence Scale - March 2017.jpg

Spiritual/human existence pendulum

Do you ever experience life swinging through a vast array of emotions and experiences?

I believe most of us can relate to positive and negative experiences.  Sometimes both can occur in a matter of seconds.  We most likely also have periods where "the good times roll", and then other times where we "can't seem to catch a break".  The below pendulum image depicts a starting point for making sense of the unpredictability of our human experience - although a better image than just the pendulum would be "a pendulum, on a Ferris wheel, with pinball action", just a lot harder to draw.

A pendulum on a Ferris wheel?   Yes, the entire image can rotate up to 360 degrees in either direction, with the pendulum discs not necessarily flowing through all of the areas like a grandfather clock.  

With pinball action?  You betcha! The pendulum discs can zip from one section to another at the speed of light. Positive experiences CAN lead to Excessive Ego Attachment, and Acting Out our Dark Side may be the next place for the pendulum disc to fly at warp speed.   Know any dictators with too many nuclear warheads in their hands, or anyone who consistently spews venom with 5 a.m. tweets? 

So is there a way to slow down the Ferris wheel, and minimize the crazy pinball action evident in many people in the world today?   Carl Jung certainly had a lot to say about this - his depiction of the shadow element in us all, and transforming our unconscious behaviors into consciousness, was a psychological breakthrough.   And of course - Jesus, the Christ, was one of our greatest teachers.  His messages consistently referred to "the kingdom within" - our divine spiritual nature that CAN calm all Ferris wheel, pinball action, human experience - if we are open to connecting with this divine center.