Let Go, Let God
Letting go is one of Life’s most challenging experiences. Allowing our children to move to next steps in their unique journey, releasing ourselves from unhealthy work or personal relationships when no “next” support is clear, or untangling emotionally from our strong Outer World desires can cause undue anxiety and pain.
“Let God” may appear to be a directive to kneel down and pray, or at least encouraging a learned belief of laying our worries at the heavenly throne of some external deity.
It is a tricky balance, as continuing to put our Earthly energies into needs, wants, and beyond is a worthwhile human endeavor, and something we learn at almost every stage of education and self-help literature. And yet, too much emphasis on outcomes can create a never-ending scorecard preventing the natural purpose of our Soul’s journey to emerge.
There is some debate as to who authored the Serenity Prayer. It matters not if the human being involved in putting Divine inspiration to ink and paper was an ancient Greek philosopher, an Alcoholics Anonymous member from the 1940s, or a well known Catholic priest.
True serenity, peace, wholeness, and alignment of our human and spiritual natures occurs when we co-create. And the “co” we have been taught to look for externally lies within each of us, never needing an answer to a prayer, just engagement and connection.
“Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference”
Co-Author – the Divine within us ALL