Divine Order

Can you count on one hand the number of times you hear the word Divine in a week?  Or maybe more practical the number of times in a year? Or perhaps in your lifetime?

 An exception to the above could be your experience hearing the word being used within the confines of a religious building.  And more than likely used in a way where Divine has an exclusive membership attached, or was reserved for historical figures only.

Divine is most likely a word or expression not part of most human’s daily vocabulary.  When I think of the times I have heard people use the word, it generally is something like “that is/was Divine” – with perhaps an event or existing experience seemingly transcending human comprehension.

When used with the word Order, the combination seems to speak of something that vibrates at a higher level of being, but also an acceptance of the expression “all things happen for a reason”, or resolve that “all is well”.

I have come to accept my human desires for security, acceptance by others, and success in the human world may not be in alignment with my authentic Soul’s purpose during this incarnation.  It is a delicate balance, with my human journey being necessary to accompany my higher Self’s elevation.

How do you embrace human experiences not aligned with the planning, goal setting, and yearning desired for your current existence? Are your reactions quick to connect with emotions of frustration, anger, bitterness, stress, or anxiety?   Or could you flip the switch with a nod and smile to Divine Order, knowing each experience truly has intention, an opportunity for growth, and the assurance that “all is well”.