We all benefit from temporarily disconnecting with our heavily emphasized human existence, to realign with our Divine nature. I find music to be one such aid in re-centering to my Authentic Self… my Soul’s Purpose.

I hope you enjoy listening to songs that truly honor Spiritual existence in complimentary ways. All of us have the potential to find our own way to disconnect from the Outer World… time alone in nature, a walk with a loved one (human or pet), a creative hobby void of earthly rewards, or your own favorite music… and then come back to the Outer World infused with your true Spiritual nature.


“One Power” by Daniel Nahmod

This beautiful song celebrates and embraces the true essence of “we are a Spiritual being, living a human experience”.

My favorite lyric is “… different is only dangerous, when we forget, that in the heart, we’re all the same…”.

The unfortunate reality is that man made religions have contributed to divisiveness, hatred, and violence in our world. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and other authentic spiritual leaders would not be happy with how their messages of love, peace, and compassion have been replaced by dogma, piousness, and “how great ME art.”

“Holy Now” by Peter Mayer

This reflective song acknowledges the transition necessary to journey from what we may have been taught, to what eventually feels authentic in our understanding of our spiritual/human existence relationship.

My favorite lyric is “…And I remember feeling sad, that miracles don’t happen still… Now I can’t keep track, cause everything’s a miracle…”

How true that everything about our human existence is a wonderful miracle, even if the Red Sea doesn’t part during our lifetime. Just look around and notice, every minute of the day, the incredible nature of every detail, of every person, of every bit of existence, of every relationship that manifests in our environment.

“If You’re Out There” by John Legend

This inspirational song motivates me to connect with my Soul’s purpose, and not be silent in the midst of popular/herd mentality, and white privilege.

My favorite lyrics are:

“…I searched for the leader, but the leader was me…”,

“…No more broken promises, no more calls for war… unless it’s love and peace, that you’re really fighting for..”

I LOVE the inspiration and images of moms who have heard this song’s call for action, courage, and justice. There is nothing more powerful and authentic than the words that have come forward in so many beautifully diverse ways, a sampling below:

“We are not carrying for 9 months… then struggling during labor of 9 hours… Just for you to kneel on their neck for 9 minutes!! Black Lives Matter!!!”

“All mothers were summoned when George Floyd called out for his Mama!”

“My Soul” by Peter Mayer

This higher understanding song sums up the true perspective we should honor entering each day.

My favorite lyric is “So… we live this life together, my giant Soul, and tiny me…”

A seismic shift in ourselves, and in our world can occur when we see the “finish line” other than just departing this earthly existence.

I enjoy listening to this song at the end of a day… especially when my human/spiritual existence scale seems to have titled too heavily to thinking I am just human.